Tai Chi Styles and Lineage
Tai Chi Styles and Lineage
Of the many different styles of Tai Chi, we teach Yang, Chen, and Sun style at our school. Through our school founder, Grandmaster Aiping Cheng, our Tai Chi lineage goes back to the founders and Grandmasters of each Tai Chi style, Yang Luchan, Sun Lutang, and Chen Zhenglei.
A picture of Yang Style Grandmaster Yang Chengdu demonstrating Traditional Yang Style 108 form, a gift given to Master Aiping Cheng by Yang Chengfu’s son-in-law, Grandmaster Fu Zhongwen.
Grandmaster Cheng (third from left) visiting her Tai Chi teacher Li Tianjin (far Left).
Yang Style Tai Chi
Yang style Tai Chi is the most popular and widely practiced style of Tai Chi in the world. It can be practiced by people of all ages and physical abilities. Yang style Tai Chi was founded by Yang Luchan, a master of Chen style Tai Chi. He developed Yang style Tai Chi by emphasizing Tai Chi's slow, even, fluid, and expansive movements. Our school's traditional Yang style Tai Chi lineage comes through Fu Zhongwen, famous disciple and son-in law of Yang Luchan's grandson, Yang Chengfu. Grandmaster Cheng studied intensively under Fu Zhongwen in Shanghai for many years.
Traditional Yang style Tai Chi branched off into many different family styles with significant variations in their movements and forms. In 1956, the Chinese Sports Commission, under the leadership of Tai Chi and Wushu master Li Tianji brought together four Yang style Tai Chi masters, including Fu Zhongwen, to develop a Yang style Tai Chi form with standardized movements. The form created was the 24 Form, which is now the most popular form practiced around the world. Li Tianji was Grandmaster Cheng's main Tai Chi teacher. Our school teaches the 24 Form as Grandmaster Cheng learned it from its creators.
Grandmaster Cheng and Chen Zhenglei on the 1988 National Tai Chi team
Chen Style Tai Chi
Chen style Tai Chi is the oldest of the traditional family styles and ancestor to the Yang, Wu, and Sun styles. Chen style Tai Chi originated in the Chen Village of Henan Province in China. While all Tai Chi styles have martial applications, Chen style Tai Chi forms focus more heavily on the martial aspect of Tai Chi. Chen style Tai Chi is practiced in a low stance, utilizing body coiling movements, stomping, and explosive releases of power called "fa jin.” Chen style Tai Chi is more physically intensive than Yang style Tai Chi and requires more strength, flexibility, and endurance. Grandmaster Cheng learned Chen Style Tai Chi from Chen Zhenglei, a member of the Chen family and 11th generation direct-line successor of Chen Style Tai Chi. She served on the 11-member committee that founded the Tai Chi competition standards alongside Chen Xiaowang, also a direct successor of his family’s Chen Style Tai Chi.
Grandmaster Cheng with her Sun style Tai Chi teacher, Sun Jianyun. The image to the right in the background is of Sun Jianyun’s father, Sun Lutang, the founder of Sun style Tai Chi.
Sun Style Tai Chi
Sun style Tai Chi was founded by Sun Lutang, a master of Xingyichuan and Baguazhang, two hard internal martial art systems. After Sun Lutang learned and mastered the soft internal martial art of Tai Chi, he developed his own style of Tai Chi combining all three systems. Sun style Tai Chi is practiced in a higher stance than Yang or Chen style Tai Chi. Sun style Tai Chi has the linear leg and waist movements of Xingyi, the stepping and circular hand movements of Bagua, and the softness of Tai Chi.
Grandmaster Cheng’s Sun style Tai Chi lineage comes through Sun Jianyun (Sun Lutang's daughter). In 1988, the competition Sun style Tai Chi form was established, and The Chinese Wushu Research Institute published their official teaching video for the form, featuring Grandmaster Cheng performing the new routine.